Knight Fight (平裝版)
型號: greenusborne008
存貨狀態: In Stock
HK$38.00 積分換購 : 400分
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HK$40.00 積分換購 : 400分
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This is the fourteenth title in the new Usborne Very First Reading series, designed for younger children to introduce them to reading together with their parents. Parents and children take turns to read from the page (the text clearly marked for who should be reading) and as the books progress in the series the adults read less and less and the child more and more. This work contains puzzles for children to check their understanding of the text and guidance notes for parents. It is beautifully designed with fun illustrations to help motivate beginner readers.

**圖書尺寸 (cm): 13.9x20.3x0.8

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